Deliverables (Assignments, Activities, and Alignment)
Just as your course-level and module-level learning objectives should be aligned, so too should your course "deliverables," broadly defined here as the things your students read, do, make and complete as they take part in your course.
Alignment here means that all of your deliverables clearly support that module's learning objectives. Some instructors choose to make this relationship explicit (particularly for formal Quality Matters course review), but what matters most is that you can articulate these connections.
Considering your course deliverables in this way, it isn't unusual for instructors to discover that they have their students engaging with their course in ways that are not clearly supporting learning objectives. Sometimes this means modifying the deliverable, but it might also mean replacing it with something better, or dropping it altogether!
This Canvas guide might be useful to you: What Are Assignments? Links to an external site.
As you work through this course we will share how to create these different kinds of assignments in your course, including:
- traditional assignments, aka online submissions, where students share some kind of product (files, images, text, links, etc.) with you
- graded Discussions, where the discussion is the assignment
- peer review activities, where students comment on each other's work
- assessment assignments, particularly Canvas Quizzes (which, in Canvas terminology, is synonymous with traditional tests and exams)