Building Pages

Pages are the primary type of content within modules. Except for the Learning Labs, almost all the material in this course so far has been built using pages...including this one!

You've already had some experience editing a page in the Module Level Objectives Learning Lab, but remember pages can contain much more including headers, formatted text, embedded images and media, by using the Canvas (Rich Text) Editor.

There are two ways to create a new page:

Adding Pages to Modules

Once you have a sequence of modules in place, you can add a page to any module using the + button in the header of the desired module:

Screenshot of button used to add content to a module.

Remember that button; you will use it a lot!

This will create a new page in that module which you can edit and move around as necessary.

Adding Pages using the Pages Index

Some instructors prefer to add the pages using the Page Index in the Pages section of the course and add them, if desired, to a module.

The advantage of this method is you can create pages that are not part of the module sequence. In this course, that's how you could create a single syllabus page to link to instead of linking to a Word or PDF file.

To add a page this way, use the Pages item in the left-hand navigation menu and click the View All Pages button:

Using the "Pages" menu item and the "View All Pages" button


No matter how you create a page, remember that you must use the built-in formatting features including headings, bulleted lists, and numbered lists to keep the page accessible to screen readers and other software and devices.