Group Assignments

When creating groups, each group is placed in a Group Set. These sets of groups can then be used to create Group Assignments. For example, you might have:

  • A Group Set called Final Presentation, within which you have
  • Seven different groups, manually assigned or to which students signed up, and
  • A single Group Assignment that is assigned to every group in which they submit a presentation, perhaps as a PowerPoint file, a link to another site, etc.

The "How do I assign an assignment to a course group?" Links to an external site. Canvas Guide covers the options in detail, but the most important points to note:

  • A Group Assignment is simply a choice in the Assignment options when you create an assignment, so would follow the same process you've already learned.
  • You can choose to assign a grade for the group or individually.
  • You cannot use student-created groups Links to an external site. for Group Assignments (but you can use groups you created and had students select.
  • You can use Peer Review with groups, but if you want something other than random assignment of peer review across groups, you will need to assign the reviews manually.