Week 9 (Dec 5) In-Class Problem
- Due Dec 9, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Molecules: H2 Formation
Part 1:
Write down the three equations that will give you the volumetric rates of each reaction, separately, in units of cm−3s−1.
Part 2:
Set up the rate balance equation that will give you the steady-state ratio of n(H−)nH and solve for this ratio at 100K.
Part 3:
What fraction of the H− ions undergo the associative detachment reaction?
Part 4:
The rate coefficient for the formation of H2 via the
H− channel is just
RH−≡κadn(H−)nH, where this value is evaluated at the steady-state ratio you determined in Part 2.
Evaluate this rate coefficient, and compare it to the empirical rate coefficient for the formation of H2 via dust-grain catalysis,
Part 5:
If the value for RH− actually has a temperature dependence of
T0.672, where
T2≡T100K, what is the temperature of gas in which
RH−=Rdc? Is this physically plausible for the neutral ISM?