Short Assignment 3

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This assignment focused primarily on Outcome 1 because it was centered around how difference in tone, evidence, and appeals contribute to if an article is positive, a “talk up,” or negative, a “talk down.” Specifically, this outcome is about how an author tailors their words to fit the piece. Audience and intent matter the most in choosing particular strategies, and I thoroughly explain the differences between Weaver’s and Brodesser-Ackner’s articles in their choices. I focus on tone and evidence in this assignment, because that is what differs the most between the 2 pieces, demonstrating my improvement in this outcome by picking up on the subtle tactics. For example, I noticed how by opening her article with an outrageous, out-of-the-ordinary interaction, Weaver shows that she “has no intention of hiding Kardashian’s past nor showing her as something she isn’t.” I don’t think I would have picked up on that before I began this class. In particular, I saw that Kardashian’s brand appeals to “the reader’s feminism and desire for a rags-to-riches story,” which I didn’t notice when I first wrote this paper, a couple weeks into the quarter. This outcome is important for good writing and reading practice because it is a hallmark of careful writing—paying attention to the small details may seem insignificant in light of the thesis of the paper, but diction and knowledge of your audience allows truly effective writing that conveys your intent and makes the reader connect with the cause. This assignment has improved my writing by allowing me to see mastery of Outcome 1, so I could see how I could utilize this outcome in my own work, which I do in Major Assignment 1. By thinking about this outcome, I was able to see more subtle techniques, like how “extensive use of quotation marks in particular conveys a sense of disbelief and doubt that permeates [Brodesser-Ackner’s] entire article.” I also used the feedback given to me, which brought to my attention that Weaver explains away much of Kardashian’s scandals and decisions, which makes it so Kardashian herself doesn’t have to—an expert application of Outcome 1, as Weaver acknowledges her audience as people who might not know much about Kardashian beyond her TV show. Ultimately, this assignment was a learning experience on how to effectively utilize Outcome 1.

The other outcome that I displayed in Short Assignment 3 is Outcome 3, which essentially is how to create an argument that actually convinces people. While these articles are not necessarily academic in nature, they still use many of the same techniques and allow for an effective argument and comparison between the two authors’ writing styles. This outcome is essential for proficient writing because writing is all about convincing people of your cause. Even purely scientific papers are attempting to convince the reader of the validity of their data and results. I demonstrated this outcome in writing a compelling argument that is complex by analyzing multiple components of the different writing conventions. The analysis is in depth and connects to the overarching argument, as I frequently compare the two articles and their differences in tone, use of pathos, and validity of their subjects’ claims—“Brodesser-Akner outright dismisses Paltrow’s claims with a disdainful tone that implies Paltrow isn’t even good enough to listen to.” In doing so, I take into consideration the audience and intention of each piece and allow those factors to guide my analysis. This assignment was the first time in this class that I could really go in depth into creating a compelling argument, and it let me practice structure and flow, allowing me to understand how those factor into an effective claim. Thinking about this outcome contributed to my choice to focus on a few techniques and give a more thorough analysis on them, rather than skim the surface with many little ones. I particularly focused my revision structure and flow in order to most effectively convey my argument, adding in quotes and more evidence to strengthen it even further. Focusing on this outcome allowed me to create the most thorough, compelling case.

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