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Hello there, and welcome to my portfolio! Here, I have compiled my works from this quarter into one (hopefully) cohesive portfolio, where I can illustrate the journey I have taken in this english composition class. In this portfolio, you will gain insight into my writing expedition and how I learned to utilize the four outcomes in a variety of contexts. This english class was the first one I’ve taken that focused on morality and more flexible, less formal writing, allowing me to explore my writing beyond academic contexts.

I chose to revise Short Assignment 3 and 5, along with Major Assignment 1, because I felt as though these 3 assignments reflected both my strengths and what I primarily learned in English 131. I came into this class with a lot of writing experience—in high school, I took both AP Language and Literature and excelled in both classes. Before that, I was in honors english classes for as long as I can remember. But these classes taught very formulaic, academic writing that followed the five paragraph format for everything and discouraged any deviation from the formula. For the AP classes in particular, we wrote at least one essay every week, but they were all timed and in-class. I had no chance to revise and actually think about my prompt—instead, all I could do was write frantically to fill the page before time was up. This composition class is very different from the type of writing that I was doing previously, and so I learned a lot about revision and how to appeal to different audiences, adding to my previous knowledge of research and argumentative essays. My assignments that I chose to revise for this class show this improvement, as you will see. In particular, I’ve enhanced my ability to see subtle word choices by the author, effectively consolidate evidence, and appeal to a specific audience. I hope that you will enjoy my portfolio. In attempting to ease your rather grueling task of grading so many portfolios, so I’ve included cute and majestic pictures of turtles along with fun facts of them—because turtles are my favorite animal—to give you a break in between assignments.  


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