Outcome 3

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1. Using your work and the course outcomes as evidence, show how you have met the writing goals specified in Outcome 3. Be sure to use specific detail and to cite your work when necessary. A compelling argument quotes, paraphrases, or summarizes directly from your papers. Other evidence you can bring in for support are self-assessments, peer responses, and teacher responses.

Outcome 3: To produce complex, analytic, persuasive arguments that matter in academic contexts:

  • The argument is appropriately complex, based in a claim that emerges from and explores a line of inquiry.
  • The stakes of the argument, why what is being argued matters, are articulated and persuasive.
  • The argument involves analysis, which is the close scrutiny and examination of evidence and assumptions in support of a larger set of ideas.
  • The argument is persuasive, taking into consideration counterclaims and multiple points of view as it generates its own perspective and position.
  • The argument utilizes a clear organizational strategy and effective transitions that develop its line of inquiry.

2. You may add images or links to your reflection by using the image and link icons in the Rich Text Content box. Use the Add Content menu to embed a Course Submission turned in via Canvas. If you wish to embed work not submitted via Canvas (for example, additional essay drafts and peer reviews), use the Image/File Upload function.

3. Click the Save Page button to save your work.

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