Outcome 1

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LOONA's 'Butterfly' Effect - ATK Magazine

Outcome 1: To demonstrate an awareness of the strategies (modes, inquiry, content, structure, appeals, design choices, etc.) that composers use for different audiences and in different contexts.

To rephrase, Outcome 1 is essentially writing with a knowledge of different literary and visual techniques and applying them to the author's message. I am quite familiar with this concept because in high school, we discussed the effective rhetorical and literary techniques used in media to convey a certain message to their audience. The context part, in my opinion, really matters because of different time periods. In English, we usually read a variety of pieces from varying time periods, which matters a lot to the specific content of the piece. This outcome emphasizes the importance of this context, as well as highlighting how specific authors use techniques relevant to their time period. 

When it comes to my Cultural Artefact Letter, I recommended the 90s comic Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Patterson. I initially chose this comic because it is very special to me. I have read it since my childhood, and so has the rest of my family, so we often indulge in references to the series to each other. I wrote the letter to the graduating Class of 2020, which I am a part of, because I felt like this year has been so drastic for many of us, but especially the Class of 2020. We didn't get to graduate, have our prom, go on any senior trips, and our senior year ended on the low note of a pandemic and we witnessed unrest concerning civil rights. Many of us didn't even get to gain the full college experience because the pandemic prohibited us from living on campus. 

My initial Cultural Artefact Letter definitely lacked in the "design choices" area because I spoke more about the content ("it’s jam-packed full of symbolism and dry humor") rather than the modes and stylistic choices. This was problematic and I revised it because this entire class revolves around multimodal analysis, so of course I had to include something about the artistic style of Calvin and Hobbes. I decided to do this through discussing the art style for example "This juxtaposition of childish appearance with occasionally heavy subject matter is what makes the comic so appealing, in my opinion". Adding an analysis of the design style definitely adds to my overall suggestion, and it also provides insight into what the comic is visually like; this is significant because comics rely so heavily on visuals. Revising this document was critical in order to strengthen my understanding of Outcome 1. This being said, I didn't revise it too heavily because I still believe that I conveyed the content and appeals well to my chosen audience. 

The attached pictures are from LOONA's beautiful music video for the song "Butterfly".

Butterfly - 이달의 소녀 (LOONA) on Vimeo

fly like a butterfly

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