Outcome 2

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Outcome 2: To read, analyze, and synthesize complex texts and incorporate multiple kinds of evidence purposefully in order to generate and support composition.

This outcome encompasses the entire concept of analysis, especially multimodal analysis. We are encouraged to "incorporate multiple kinds of evidence", which refers to visual, audial, and textual evidence in order to have successful analysis. This outcome is meant to help writers in this class better understand the different types of modes there are for writing, and how these different modes convey different messages to a target audience. Throughout this quarter we have discussed many modes that are used in comic books specifically. Because comics are such a visual-heavy medium, it is more evident to the reader how visuals and linguistics work together, and this leads us to the final portion of the outcome: "in order to generate and support composition". We have to analyze all the different aspects of the texts we are provided and seamlessly connect them in order to figure out the overarching message. 

I chose to reevaluate the assignment Market Research for this outcome. The goal of this assignment was to successfully brainstorm and set up for our final project, which was the comic. The reason I did not revise this assignment very much besides some grammatical errors is because I felt like I managed to incorporate different media types (TV shows, comics, video games) in my brainstorming effectively. I mention diversity for a good portion as well, because representation is important to me. I wanted to highlight the difficulty the original Walking Dead had with diversity, especially the trope where TV shows kill off POC or queer characters for shock value ("in shows like The Walking Dead it seems that fan favorites are killed off for the sake of shock value and keeping the audience shocked rather than engaged[...]I would like to avoid; especially when it comes to people of color characters or LGBT characters"). I went over the issues of the dystopian genre so it was clear what I wanted to avoid in my own comic. 

The reason I chose The Walking Dead for this outcome specifically is because it has multiple different mediums, but it all originates from a comic book which is honestly pretty indicative of its impact. I also think the concept of zombies is very fun and flexible, and can be portrayed in many different ways, and this is evident in TWD video game and how it differs from the TV show.

I read through this assignment a couple of times, and while there were some slight surface level issues with grammar or structure, overall I do think I fulfilled this outcome. I discussed different texts and analyzed their success with plot, characters, and diversity. I also highlight things that are specific to the genre, like the "transition from reality into a distorted version of reality". I analyzed the visual aspects of The Walking Dead, for example "the genre itself tends to be gorier and more graphic". This assignment clearly demonstrates my understanding of this outcome. 

The attached images are from LOONA's music video for "So What".

I'm so bad, so what?

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