There are a lot of books around the world. Each book has many properties. Some of them are: price, subject and writer. But some of them are so bold. Some of people wants to know wich one of them is the most expensive book. In this article that written by Ebookik we will introduce you the most expensive book around the world. So let's read!
The most expensive books a round the world
There are a lot of books around the world. Each book has many properties. Some of them are: price, subject and writer. But some of them are so bold. Some of people wants to know wich one of them is the most expensive book. In this article that written by Ebookik we will introduce you the most expensive book around the world. So let's read!
Why a book become expensive?
Many thing can effect on a book to make it more expensive. One of most important thing is writer of book. A lot of people buy the book because of writer of that. The writer can set and write the content of book. So when you want to know which book in one subject is better, look at the writer of that. It doesn't means other writers are not ok. But it means writer of book is one of factors to make book popular and expensive. Other factors to make a book expensive are:
Number of production
Population of writer
And etc
The second factor of making a book expensive is number of production. In some situation publishers publish a few number of books to sell. So the price of book will increase by popularity of people. So when a publisher publish little number of book of popular writer it will become expensive. Because more people wants that book and they request it to buy. In this situation number of book is less than requests to buy.
Effect of ads on price of book
You know when requests are more than production, price of book will increase. So when a publisher or writer use ads it can increase the request to increase price of book. In this situation publisher can promote writer again to increase price more. So if you are a publisher you can promote your book by ads. It can help you to sell more books to. It means publishers can promote books like a product. So ads are a tool for promoting books in increasing price way!
One of advertisement tools for books is making them e-book. If you convert the book to e-book you can promote and sell it easier. Because you will write it for one time. You won't have transportation problem too. E-books are pdf file so there is no worry about trees. Natural resources are all thing we have on earth. So people have to save them for future and replace them with new source. For example if people use printed books, they need more paper and will cut more trees. In this situation if people use e-book they can save a lot of trees. Because e-book is a digital product and it's composed by nothing.
Buy and sell books online
You can sell your book online. But selling printed book needs a workplace and transportation service. If you convert the book to an e-book you can decrease your costs. One other benefits of publishing e-book is using publishing platforms. The publishing platform is a website to promote e-book free. This website won't get money at first to promote you. But they will get a percentage of selling. It can help you to promote your books easier. Thy will buy your book to publish on website in some situation. You can sell the license of books to this publishers.
Ebookik is one of online selling platforms for book. People can buy every book they want there. This website can help people to find some books that they want and they can't find them. It means you can find special books on this website. Some of good books are realy rare. So you have to pay a lot of money to buy them. But if some one convert it to an e-book, people can buy it for a little money. Because it’s a digital product. You will product it for one time and put it on website for download. Some of other benefits of ebookik are:
Save more trees
As you know using more paper will increase cutting trees. Again you know people can't live with out trees. So people need a solution to fix this effect. The best solution to save trees on earth is using digital products. For example e-books can decrease paper production. In this way lumber company cut fewer trees to make paper. It means you can save more trees by using e-books of ebookik. When you buy a book of this website you will pay less amount of price to have book. For example a book is 10$ but you can buy pdf of that for 2$. It's realy inexpensive and it can save more trees.
Ebookik will invite you to use e-books because of effect of this situation. You can save a lot of trees and use less paper. Imagine all of books become e-book. In this situation people won't use more paper. Based on this tip people will save natural resources for future. It can help to resist global warming and jungles too. Ebookik will fix these problems by publishing e-books. When a person buy e-book from website it can help to save earth. Also it can help a lot of animals to save their home.
At the end
All people needs trees to live on earth. Jungles can give us oxygen to breath and be alive. In this situation people have to save and help jungle more than every time. Because we are using them to make paper. Using e-books is a good solution to save trees on jungles. In this situation Ebookik is helping people by publishing e-books. So we recommend you to use e-book instead of printed books.